When anybody will visit your website or blog he will get an welcome message before loading your page completely.You can have anything in the message what you want.It can be helpful for you whenever you want to display to your welcoming visitor some message or alert which you can be important for him to get to your blog reading further.
#Just login to blogger > Layout > Edit Html
#Now find [CTRL+F]
</Head> tag and add the below script just after it.
<script language='JavaScript'>alert("
Your Message Here");</script>
#Change text in red with your welcoming message.
#Now save your template.And visit your blog you will get an welcome message.
Thanks, work great for me
Works great.. But, any ways to add images and other stuffs in the alert box????
thanks.,if this possible...would it be possible to have flash intro in blogspot or blogger site?
request please email me if this possible at ebucles@yahoo.com..thank you for this....
gee..nice and good ,,i'm from indonesia...salam kenal
Thank you! Love it very much! =)
i dont know how to do
how about multiple alerts ?
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